Volume 5, Issue 1 (Spring 2024 2024)                   JGSMA 2024, 5(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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zakerhaghighi K, jalali S. Evaluating the Concept and Role of Sustainable Cultural Development in the Process of Urban Place Design (Case study: Alaviyan Dome area, Hamedan City). JGSMA 2024; 5 (1)
URL: http://gsma.lu.ac.ir/article-1-436-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University, Hamadan branch , k.zakerhaghighi@gmail.com
2- Islamic Azad University, Hamadan branch
Abstract:   (1346 Views)
Nowadays, we are looking toward a truly pluralistic society, where power is more distributed among social groups than in almost every country today, but where different values and cultures favor and group-based On location, established groups are recognized and negotiated in a public arena.Given the current social diversity in most cities around the world, people share public spaces with others from a wide range of cultural backgrounds and ethnic practices.Therefore, the goal of the present research is to elaborate the concept and role of sustainable cultural development in the process of designing an urban place in the area of Alaviyan dome in Hamadan city. The research method being both quantitative and qualitative strategy a survey method. In addition, using a descriptive-analytical and inferential research design the obtained data were gathered and analyzed  at a descriptive level of demographic characteristics, mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum of opinions and variance and to check the correctness of the research assumptions from the Kolmogorov test. Finally, Smirnov and at the inferential level, single-sample T-test, ANP technique and the formula proposed by Line et al (Line et al, 2008). were used to test the proposed hypotheses. The statistical population of the research composed of Iranian citizens over 18 years of age in Hamadan city. The sample size was estimated to be 175 people using Cochran's formula. Sampling methods were random sampling and criterion sampling. Data were collected using a structured and closed questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale (1- completely disagree; 2- disagree; 3- neutral; 4- agree; 5- completely agree). The nine criteria used in the research were inserted in the questions and all the questions were set on a five-point Likert scale.The findings of the research obtained from the one-sample T-test indicated that social and cultural index, economic index, safety and security index, urban landscape and aesthetics index, movement and access index, usage and activity index, physical form index, the environmental index and the sense of belonging and participation of people have a good fit with the observed data and hypothesis one, two, and three. Since, the level of confidence obtained for the mentioned factors was positive, it can be concluded that all the mentioned indicators were effective in the process of designing an urban place. Moreover, the research findings from the ANP software showed that there is a significant and two-way relationship between the criteria and sub-criteria in this research.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/04/8 | Accepted: 2023/08/12

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